《反正我信了》 – 楊德銘 / 鄭耀華作品聯展
香港獨立攝影展覽空間The Salt Yard將會2014年5月3日至6月15日期間展出名為《反正我信了》的攝影聯展,是次展覽將結合兩位本地及海外攝影師作品:楊德銘的《八九風光如此美好》和鄭耀華的《On Their Sites》(他們的景點)。攝影從發明伊始已作為記憶和個人經歷的重要載體之一,但當新媒體和網絡社交平台衝擊下,其扮演的角色有著重大變化。是次展出兩個展覽均對這種角色提出質疑:楊德銘重新審視自己在1989年拍攝的童年家庭舊照,對照片裡往昔的自己不可置信,索性把畫面篡改,讓觀眾甚至作者本人都掉進又熟悉又狐疑的吊詭處境,作品所處的年份所帶出的暗示也盡在不言中;鄭耀華的《On Their Sites》受著名美國攝影師史丹菲爾德(Joel Sternfeld)的作品《On This Site》所啟發,用冷峻的旁觀目光,把鏡頭對著一處處毫不起眼的尋常街角、公共空間,裡面盛載著的卻是一段段平凡人物的私密回憶。兩個作品皆挑戰觀眾以攝影媒介作為記憶貯存的平台,或懷舊感的製作機器等大眾約定俗成的用途,從而顯示當中所衍生出來攝影媒體的可信性問題。
楊德銘於1978年生於香港,在2011年於倫敦大學金匠學院「影像及傳播」碩士畢業。在2000年中文大學新聞及傳播學院畢業後加入攝影記者行列,曾任雜誌圖片編輯、路透社及經濟日報攝影記者,中文大學及珠海書院新聞攝影課程兼任講師,香港攝影記者協會前主席。他於2013年被獲選Invisible Photographer Street Photography Asia Awards亞軍,也屢獲香港報業公會及香港攝影記者協會頒發的新聞攝影獎項, 並於2010年在首屆香港攝影節被選為十四位香港新世代攝影師之一。在2011年參與英國奧運「Road to 2012」藝術計劃項目「Count to 12」,作品並於英國倫敦的國家肖像畫廊 (National Portrait Gallery) 展出。
鄭耀華於1962年生於中國上海,1985年畢業于上海師範大學中文系,他始終是一位視頻剪輯師、活動圖文設計師和作家,并且在從事這些工作十年之後開始把攝影當作主要的藝術工具。鄭耀華目前生活在美國紐約,以非職業狀態進行攝影創作,他的第一本攝影集《夢游》于2010年出版。鄭耀華的重要專題《On Their Sites》(他們的景點)爲他贏得了2011年大紐約藝術發展基金的QCAF獎,這個作品源自鄭耀華對凡人瑣事一貫的關注。
Definitely Maybe - a joint exhibition by Paul YEUNG and ZHENG Yaohua
3 May, 2014 - 15 Jun, 2014
The Salt Yard, an independent art space, will showcase a joint photography exhibition Definitely Maybe between May 3 and June 15, 2014. The exhibition will display Paul Yeung’s The Good Old days in 1989 and Zheng Yaohau's On Their Sites. Under the impact of new media and social media platform, the role of photography as a record of memory and personal experience that it plays since its invention has evolved. Such a role is also questioned by the works of the two photographers in this exhibition. When Yeung examined his family album taken in 1989, he could not believe the child in these pictures was himself. He then altered these pictures, dragging audience and himself into a familiar and yet strange paradoxical situation. It goes without saying the year that these pictures taken posed an implication as well. Inspired by On This Site by Joel Sternfeld, Zheng pointed his camera at ordinary street corners, public spaces as a grim observer in On Their Sites. But then all these pictures were filled with personal memories of ordinary people. Challenging cliches that photography is a platform for memory storage or a machine generating nostalgia, the two photographers revealed the question of credibility derived from photography.
About the artists
Born in 1978 in Hong Kong, graduated from MA in Image and Communication (Photography) at Goldsmiths College, University of London in 2011. Yeung worked at different publications and agency such as Reuters as photojournalist for 10 years after graduated from BA in Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2000. In 2013, he was awarded 2nd prize of the award for street photography from the inaugural Invisible Photographer Asia Awards. Yeung had also received numerous awards presented by The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Press Photographers Association and was selected as one of the Fourteen “Hong Kong New Generation Photographers” at the Hong Kong Photography Festival 2010. In 2011, he participated in “Count to 12”, a part of “The Road to 2012” project commissioned by and exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery in London. Yeung currently lives and works in Hong Kong.
ZHENG Yaohua
Zheng Yaohua was born in Shanghai, China in 1962. He studied Chinese language and literature at Shanghai Normal University where he received his Bachelor's degree in 1985. He has been a video editor, motion graphic designer and a writer for more than a decade before starting to treat photography as a serious tool for his art creation. Zheng currently lives and works in New York City, U.S., where he has to be merely an on-my-way-to/from-office photographer, but as serious as he has been. After spending a year in New York, 2004, four photographs from Zheng's Under Manhattan Bridge were selected to be included in a publication 28mm: OFFLINE (Netherlands). In 2006, he was awarded first place in QMA Seven Train Photo Contest hosted by the Queens Museum of Art (New York City). His debut photo book Sleepwalk was published in 2010. Zheng is an awardee of 2011 QCAF award, funded by the NYDCLA Greater New York Arts Development Fund, for his important project On Their Sites started in early 2007. The work was sparked by his contemplation of mundane things and average individuals.