「俄國仕女圖」— 俄羅斯新銳攝影師聯展
「The Salt Yard」是一個本地新成立的獨立攝影展覽空間,首個展覽將會展出「俄國仕女圖」— 俄羅斯當代新銳攝影師聯展,展覽將會展出十多幅由四位俄羅斯女攝影師拍攝的作品。近期「Pussy Riot」事件令人關注俄羅斯當代女性的生存面貌,這次展覽為大家提供一批另類的「仕女圖」,從Sasha Rudensky的半帶紀實、半帶戲劇的莫斯科女性,到Olga Chagaoutdinova的在囚人仕,又或是Anastasia Khoroshilova拍攝歸隱的修道者,還是Alla Esipovich在美與醜之間徘徊的長者造像,試圖由這些尋常百姓人物裡,多角度展現對港人來說較為陌生的俄羅斯女性形象,也籍此一窺這遠東國度變幻莫測的社會氣候。
策展人Steve Bisson:「我想這個展覽的主旨是美。甚麼是美?當代的美又有麼規範?自閱讀藝術的歷史得知,美的呈現隨著時間、社會的品味及心境轉變。是次展覽將透過比較一群新晉俄羅斯攝影師,從而對美這題目開展首次的地域探討。」
「The Salt Yard」成立暨「俄國仕女圖」展覽開幕酒會將於2013年1月18日晚上6時至8時舉行,屆時策展人將會出席。另於翌日1月19日下午4時至5時30分將會舉行策展人分享,歡迎出席。
“Mother Russia”— A group exhibition by emerging Russian photographers
19 Jan, 2013 – 24 Mar, 2013
The Salt Yard is a newly established independent arts space in Hong Kong dedicated to photography. Its launching exhibition “Mother Russia” — A group exhibition by emerging Russian Photographers will showcase works by four female photographers from Russia. The arrests and convictions of Russian punk/ art collective Pussy Riot has recently arouse wide concerns in the world over the life of women in contemporary Russia. This exhibition, featuring a series of alternative female portraits — including Rudensky’s semi-documentary works on Moscow women, Olga Chagoutidinova’s portraits of female prisoners, Anastasia Khoroshilova’s photos of nuns, and Alla Esipovich’s images of elderly people which manifest an aesthetic of ugly. Through these common people, this exhibition attempts to reflect the images of Russian women from different perspectives, providing an opportunity for Hong Kong people to glimpse this mysterious and ever-changing Eurasia country.
“I think this show is about beauty. What is beauty? What are the canons of contemporary beauty? As we know from reading the history of art, its representation changes in relation to its time, to the tastes and moods of society. The exhibition addresses the issue by comparing a group of emerging Russian photographers, and in doing so starts a first geographical survey of this topic” — Steve Bisson, Curator.
The launching ceremony of The Salt Yard and Mother Russia exhibition will be held from 6pm to 8pm on 18 January, 2013. The curator of the exhibition will attend the ceremony and will host a sharing session to be conducted at The Salt Yard from 4pm to 5:30pm on 19 January, 2013. Admission is free.