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The Salt Yard除舉辦展覽外,亦作為一個非主流攝影刊物的銷售點,當中包括一些攝影師自主出版的攝影集,都是在本地主流書店鮮有機會發現,期望能讓公眾有更多機會接觸到這些充滿個性的攝影刊物。書店的收入亦會幫助The Salt Yard的日常營運,購買前請按此請參閱細則。
We are also a sales point of lesser-known photography publications, including photobooks publicized by some photographers with their own funding. Rarely these publications can be found in major bookshops, we hope the public can have more chances to be exposed to these publications, which are full of character. The bookstore also helps to subisdize the operation of The Salt Yard. Please click here to read the shipping information before you order.
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